We went to the 7th floor PICU. Sam’s nurse was Ashley, there was also a student nurse her name was Rose. We went down to Radiology at 9:00AM on the way we met Kevan Evans. He is working in transportation this summer. He had just at he bottom of the elevator when we were getting off. Sam was glad to see face that he knew. David Garcia was in the MRI room when we arrived there. We also saw Merle there in the hall. The MRI only took about 15 minutes.
We were back in the room by 9:30. They are telling us that surgery is now scheduled for 12:00. 9:30 Dr Selski and Dr. Guedes cam to visit. Dr. Selski is from the cancer institute. They have been looking at the films form the MRI, they are not sure what they are looking at yet. Dr Selski suggests that maybe they should get some spinal fluid so they can test for caner cells before surgery. Dr. P is in surgery now nd they will discuss it with him when he comes out.
Linda Lynch and Owen V have come to see us. Owen was in the room when we returned form MRI. Linda says the most poetic and beautiful prayers. Owen stayed till 11:30.
11:35 Dr. P arrives he tells us that he has one more case before Sam and we should start around 1:30PM. He tells us that Sam’s incision will go from ear to ear across the top of his head. They will pull down the skin to make the incision in the skull. He also tell us that in 48 hours his eyes could swell shut, this is natural.
Barbara, Sonny, and Don from my work come to visit I went out in the hallway to talk to them. While they are still here Greg Ellis arrives. He went and got his wife and we had a short prayer.
2:10PM the IV pump is beeping again.
2:30 Dr. P and Scott come in to say we are only waiting on an anesthesiologist then we will be ready to go. I signed the consent form that said basically that thing could go wrong, there was no promise that this would resolve the problem, etc.
3:55PM Sam goes into surgery. We are now in the waiting room.
4:45PM Mabiline calls to say that the case has now started. There are a host of our friends now in the waiting room. Jim and Leonie, Dinese Northcutt, Jim Appel, Morris and Nancy, and Merle Peterson. Jim tells us that Josh has called from Australia to find out the progress.
5:05 PM things going well.
5:35 PM things going well. Sonny and Barbara arrive.
6:20 PM things still going well. Karla is now here.
7:00 PM Micky called to find out the status. Joe and Heather have arrived with much needed food, Subs from Publix, fruit, and crackers.
7:10 Greg Ellis calls to get status.
7:30 PM surgery is over.
8:00 PM Dr. P comes out to talk to us. He is very optimistic, but with caution. This is only the first hurtle. They were able to remove the tumor, it was a firm mass which was good, They will not know what it is for a day or two.
9:00 PM we go back to see Sam. He is able to move all of his parts. He is still loopy from the drugs. They ask him his last name and he spelled it for them. His speech was slow and slurred but he could talk and communicate.
9:30 PM we go back to the waiting room. Evar, Stephan, Abby, Matt, and the Gardner’s have arrived. We had one final prayer before we go up to Sam’s room in PICU.
10:00 PM we arrive to Sam’s new room. As they are setting Sam up in the room we see Ellie and Brianna at the door. I go down to let them in. They have brought us flowers and a card.
10:45 Pm I am setting in the room alone with Sam. Rhonda has gone out to call Polly and Suzanne. Sam is snoring peacefully the clock on the wall is loudly ticking away the seconds. Sam’s nurse for the night is Erin. Tomorrow will be a new day. Sam will have a new MRI this time also with a spinal scan as well.