Today was the second workday at the building site and first day for the VBS.
The Church - The blocks on all four sides are almost to the top of the windows. There was light rain after lunch for about 45 minutes. Then bright sunshine mixed with low nearby clouds. It is much hotter than we had expected. High 80’s.
We had 4 people down and out today. One unnamed soul stayed back near a bathroom this morning, but caught a ride to Lamas (about 30 minutes from Tarapoto) in the afternoon. Three of our young people who were all full of life and very busy working at the site yesterday (Sunday) were laid low and caught hired vehicles back to the hotel mid-day. This was CB, CV and SJ. When the group arrived back at the Nilas this evening, we were happy, especially their parents, to verify that they had indeed been delivered.
Lamas is a terraced mountain town. On the lower of the slopes is where the Quechua Indians live. On Sunday a group of us went down to the village and invited them to the VBS and let them know that we would come with the bus the next afternoon. They were waiting for us. 27 excited but well behaved children along with Virginia, a 59 year old grandmother that we had meet on Sunday loaded up with us and we were off up the steep hill to the rest of the town. Virginia only speaks Quechua. On Sunday her daughter translated from Spanish; Janice Stephens translated from English.
Virginia’s daughter was sick today. She was back in the house (windowless adobe, dirt floors) in bed. They were also very happy to see us for they needed to buy medicine and they had not been able to change the $7.00 US that Denise had used for her purchase yesterday. Janice had change and bought back the US money. veryone enjoyed the program, even Virginia who sat there in her complete native costume.
As we were pulling off in the bus this afternoon leaving the site, there was a full high arched rainbow. Some of us were tempted to think that you have seen it all when you have seen a rainbow over the Andes.
Breakfast is at 6:30 tomorrow. The bus leaves at 7. We will see what tomorrow brings.
Gladys, we delivered your message to Fred and Mrs.Webb, your’s to George.
Amazing things seen on TV while convalescing from an unexpected cleansing of the body. Here on South America they have a product to sell that is truly amazing. The Conture Body wrap. All you do is rub the great smelling lotion on your belly and put on this tube top like device and presto your are transformed to a slim and youthful you. Not sure of the price but seems worth the price what ever it is.
Last night on the bus ride I also saw an American flag that was being used as a table cloth,
I was also glade that I was not going to visit the hospital today as a patient. My sickness was only the result of eating a tamale that had some hidden egg of which I am allergic.
We delivered photos to some of the neighbors around the church today. They seemed to enjoy having a recent image of themselves to display on their wall. Tomorrow my assignment is to try to take photos of the 150 kids that show up for VBS. Will have to use film instead of digital because of the cost for digital prints 4 sole instead of 0.60 sole for film.
Bye for now